Custom headers

Most messages do not need any kind of tampering with the headers. If you do need to add custom headers either to the message or to an attachment/alternative, you can add these values with the headers option. Values are processed automatically, non-ascii strings are encoded as mime-words and long lines are folded.

var mail = {
    headers: {
        'x-my-key': 'header value',
        'x-another-key': 'another value'

// X-My-Key: header value
// X-Another-Key: another value

Multiple rows

The same header key can be used multiple times if the header value is an Array

var mail = {
    headers: {
        'x-my-key': [
            'value for row 1',
            'value for row 2',
            'value for row 3'

// X-My-Key: value for row 1
// X-My-Key: value for row 2
// X-My-Key: value for row 3

Prepared headers

Normally all headers are encoded and folded to meet the requirement of having plain-ASCII messages with lines no longer than 78 bytes. Sometimes it is preferable to not modify header values and pass these as provided. This can be achieved with the prepared option:

var mail = {
    headers: {
        'x-processed': 'a really long header or value with non-ascii characters ?',
        'x-unprocessed': {
            prepared: true,
            value: 'a really long header or value with non-ascii characters ?'

// X-Processed: a really long header or value with non-ascii characters
//  =?UTF-8?Q?=F0=9F=91=AE?=
// X-Unprocessed: a really long header or value with non-ascii characters ?